Sunday, November 26, 2017

From Cupped Hands

I cup water in the palms of my hands
  ripples of you and I cascade over
     and through my fingers...

I breathe in the sunset air to
  the clap, clap, clap of
    birch limbs...

in my pocket, thanksgiving walnuts
 a humble offering to the squirrels
   scurrying to and fro
      preparing for winter

I sit cross legged on a mossy bank
  of understanding, a gentle wind
    offers healing energies

Wild geese gather watching/listening
  waiting for nature's orchestra to chime
   in to the clap, CLap, CLaP  of an ancient
     song, creating harmony in the water

I catch a glimpse of you...soaring overhead
   the hawk, surveys the landscape below...

       I am here
         I am here
          I AM HERE

just as a deer pants for waters of life
  I too thirst for a drink of blessed water
    come sit with me, I will fill your cup
      with the songs of my heart

sharing with Poets United

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Petals and Thorns

Truedessa's Collection

My deepest love
I give you roses from my heart
my deepest love
petals and thorns beautiful art
fresh fallen snow, burdens depart
I give you roses from my heart
my deepest love

posted for Poets United
Midweek Motif - The Flower:Rose

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Garden of the Gods ~ 'Rocks' Formation

photo - Wikipedia

I yearn to walk the garden path
listening to the whispers
of red and salmon rocks

reading petroglyphs, along the
trail, bread crumbs baked
in the desert sun
spiritual nourishment
climbing higher
seeking  the crossroad
to peace

over the horizon the
mysterious phoenix flies

Mish is hosting at dVerse
writing a quadrille incorporating
the word "Rock"

Thank you for visiting!

Saturday, November 18, 2017

You to Me, Me to You

Truedessa's Collection

Sing me a song
sing me a song
sing me a song of the harmonic trees
sing me a song in an ocean breeze

sing me a song that will set me free
sing me a song that will bring you to me

Sing me a dream
sing me a dream
sing me a dream of the freshwater streams
sing me a dream of worlds unseen

sing me a song that will set me free
sing me a song that will bring you to me

Sing me a song
sing me a song
sing me a song in times of uncertainty
sing me a song on shores of humanity

sing me a song that will set me free
sing me a song that will bring you to me

Sing me a dream
sing me a dream
sing me a dream of mountains to climb
sing me a dream of life's next rhyme...

sing me a song that will set me free
sing me a song that will bring you to me
  bring you to me, bring you to me....bring me....

author's note:  I was meditating and drumming
and my drum seemed to have a melody.  I found myself singing
along...I left it in raw form to honor the gift of song...

Thank you for visiting...
sharing with Poets United - Poetry-Pantry 379

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Ever-Changing View

Locked within city walls
the secrets to enlightenment

Can you find the key to unlock
the mysteries of life?

Look into the kaleidoscope an
ever-changing view..and you
will see, an i/eye looking towards
a blue sky

A new age spirituality takes form
we need only open the door to 
travel the streets of
our minds...

written for dVerse
Lillian is Hosting
For today’s poetics, she has  selected five street art images posted at
to inspire a poem.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Hoot Hoot of the Owl

free clip art

High on a mountaintop we gathered to share our dreams.  Sitting at
a long wooden table we broke bread and dipped our thoughts in
herbs and wine.  My golden owl cuff with brown eyes the centerpiece
of our conversation. We talked about sightings of owls and the
mysticism that surrounds them. I said, "one must listen when the
oracle of secret knowledge flies into your life with a message."
The room became quiet, as if listening for my next thoughts.  "The owl
sees in places of darkness and helps guide us in our quest."  Later, that
evening we found ourselves nestled in the owl's nest deep in the woods. 
Ancient songs filled the air with each beat of the drum, the fire in the hearth
warmed my soul. My mind drifted far away from this time and place
as I  soared in the realm of dreams.

beneath rounded moon
speaking the language of trees
owl chortles messages